This may seem like a random post, but yesterday was kind of a random run, so why not?
I had to take my sister to work yesterday since her car wasn't working. I had originally planned to go to the gym for a 30 minute spin and Power class. However, after I dropped her off, I really wasn't feeling the gym too much. I wanted to run, but not in my usual spot around town. All of my running gear (sneakers, Garmin, RoadID, and headphones) was already with me, so I decided to take a side trip to Holmdel Park, which I heard was beautiful and someplace I never went to. I looked up directions on my phone, and was off!
It took me about 15-20 minutes to get to the park, and I was able to get parking easily too, since it was about 9:00 in the morning when I got there. There were people, but not so many that I had to worry about crowding. Win!
I only had my large liter of water with me, which I didn't want to carry while I was running. Thankfully, I had an empty small one in my car and the park had fountains at their restrooms where people could fill their bottles. Awesome!
I've seen these fountains at the hospital, and wish more places would install them! Makes refilling bottles so easy!
Once I filled up and went to the restroom, I checked out the map so I had an idea where I was going. This park is a popular spot for running, as many schools in the area have cross country meets here and several 5K's are held here too.
Not the best quality pic, but whatever. It'll do. ;-)
As for my running plan? I didn't have one! I just wanted to enjoy the run and the scenery. This was my first time running in a park, and really didn't want to set expectations too high.
I did exactly what I wanted to.
The terrain was extremely mixed, with anything from flat to hilly, and paved roads to trails and gravel. It was challenging at times, not just from the terrain, but the heat. It was fine when I got there, but started to feel hot after awhile. I just pulled back the pace and enjoyed the views.
As for this hill part of the park, I think I ran almost as much as I walked! Not too shabby for this girl who usually runs on flat roads!
After a few loops, I made it back to my car and decided to call it a day. I had no plan, but impressed myself with what I did!
Nothing too fast, but not bad for a hot run with mixed terrain!
I enjoyed this so much yesterday that I think I might sneak in a few more trips to this park throughout the season! However, I think trail shoes are a must for this area. I was feeling it when I hit the dirt and gravel. Road running shoes will work, but I think I could benefit from something with a little more traction.
Takeaway from yesterday: It's not always about making good time, but having a good time. You bet I did!
Have you ever decided to change your workout spur of the moment? How did it work for you?