Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Recap and December Goals!

Seriously, where the hell did this year go?! I felt like 2014 just started and here we are, just over a month from 2015! I don't like it!

Well, let's not think about that right now. Instead, I'm thinking about how awesome November was!

Here's what I set out to do:

Here's how I did:

1) Two spin classes a week. NAILED IT AND THEN SOME!! First two weeks of the month I got two in and the last two weeks I got three in! Awesome! I wanted to get back on the bike and that I did!

2) Write a to-do list weekly. I did really good with this. I didn't accomplish everything on my lists, but got a lot more done than if I didn't write a list at all. Success!

3) Plan holiday shopping and budget. Done! It took quite some time, but I figured out everything I want to buy for everyone I want to shop for. Now to keep it in check...

4) Complete a Photo-a-Day challenge. Yes, I did! I finally finished one! It was so cool to look at my life from a different perspective! I might go for it again in December!

5) Clean and organize my storage room. Did that too! It took a few hours one Saturday, but everything is sorted and (mostly) in a storage bin in the room. Plus my books are on a bookshelf! I call this a win!

Since November was so awesome, I earned my cookbook for sure! I will be ordering it on Tuesday after I get paid. I can't wait to see what Skinnytaste has in store!

With November being so awesome, I decided to up the game a bit and work on some stuff that I let fall to the wayside in December.

1) Two days of strength training a week. I have been slacking with this over the last two weeks or so. Time to plan some new workouts and hit the weights again!

2) Unplug for 30 minutes nightly before bed. This needs to happen. I'm online for minutes before I go to sleep, which is just not healthy. I think that disconnecting for a half hour before bed will do wonders.

3) Try two new recipes. I always seem to get in and out of a cooking rut. With my new cookbook coming, this should be an easy one to accomplish!

4) Read one book. I love to read, but never seem to make time for it. I decided to make time to read Edward Kennedy's memoir True Compass this month. It's a bit long, but I can make it happen. I've only been meaning to read it forever anyway...

5) Celebrate daily victories, no matter how small. I never seem to do this. I always focus on one bad thing instead of all the good ones. Well, that's about to change in December!

As for my reward? I decided on a Momentum bracelet. They're workout friendly bracelets with motivational sayings. I bought a few as gifts, but none for myself. I need to rock December so I can get one too! ;-)

In addition to these goals, I decided to sign up for Brooke's Skinny Snowman challenge. Basically, you get points for doing healthy stuff like working out, getting veggies in, drinking water, etc. Plus, there's prizes! I mean, who wouldn't want a chance to win stuff?!

Well, that's what I plan on in December! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday Funday!

Monday, November 17, 2014

I Am Enough!

Warning: This post sounds a bit ramblish. Tired, but I had to get this out there.

Confession: I am struggling.

Struggling with mostly the fact that I don't feel like I'm enough.

Often, I don't feel like I deserve to share much of anything. 

I mean, I'm not a multi-time marathon runner or someone who shed half of their body weight. Hell, I don't even live on my own.

I could have an awesome day at work or kill it in spin class, but all that can go down the drain in a matter of minutes after seeing people complete their Xth half or second race in two days.

I'm just proud of saying I completed nine 5K's and maintaining a 100 pound weight loss for a year. 

Yet, I feel like that isn't enough.

Granted, I know that those two tasks are tough, but I still struggle with seeing so many other people do so much better than me.

Then I realized that what is good for one person isn't necessarily good for another.

I never started running to try and complete multiple marathons. I just did it to do something different. Eventually, I liked the pavement. I probably will never be the fastest runner out there, but isn't getting out there what it's all about anyway?

So what if I never do a marathon? So what if I didn't lose half of my body weight? I did what I didn't think was possible, and feel awesome about that!!

I started this journey to healthy living for me five years ago, and just have to remember that's why I do this. Not for the glory of marathon medals or the features in magazines. I did it to make myself a better person and I am a much better version of me than I was five years ago.

In the end, that's really enough. As long as I love myself and what I've done, that's really all I need. 

I. Am. Enough!