Anyway, remember that time when I set a bunch of goals for this month? Well, I figure that since the month ends tomorrow, I might as well recap today!
Here's the full list in case you forgot...
Well, how did I do? Here's the full breakdown:
1) Limit soup to three days a week. I nailed this three weeks out of the month. There was one week where I had it four times (Lemon Chicken Orzo is so damn addicting!), but it was MUCH better than me eating it every day.
2) No weigh-in AT ALL. I made it three weeks, then cracked last Saturday and today. So this was a bust.
3) Back to measuring everything. Nailed it! Once I started doing this, I realized my portions (especially milk and peanut butter) were getting a little out of hand! Looks like I'll be sticking with this!
4) Plan my solo weight training workout and write it down. Nailed this too! It did feel like homework, but knowing that I had a plan going into the gym, it made it that much easier to get my workout done! Plus, it helped being able to make notes throughout the workout!
5) Put at least $25 into savings. Not a total fail, but not a total success either. I got $20 in. Given that I had to help the family out a bit, plus one smaller than usual paycheck, I'm glad I got something in. I'll call this a win.
Overall, this month wasn't perfect, but not terrible either. I wanted to get back to basics, and I think I made steps in the right direction. I think a lot of this will stick with me for awhile. The damn scale thing is the biggest problem. I did get over the daily weighing thing though, so at least it's something.
I'm planning out my July goals and will have that post up in the next two days. Happy Sunday Funday!