Monday, March 23, 2015

Friend Makin' Mondays: Food

Hi, everyone! Another Monday, another day it's still too cold here. I want it to be spring for real! =(

Anyway, I have some downtime, and decided to do a Friend Makin' Monday post, especially after I saw this week's topic: food!

For those who don't know what Friend Makin' Monday is, Sara over at Sara Runs This Weigh posts a different theme every week, with questions corresponding. You answer the questions (either on your own blog or in the comments), and link up to others!

Here are this week's set of questions:


1. What is your favorite food dish?
Baby back ribs with fries. I limit it to once a year (usually my birthday).

2. What is your favorite food type (Italian, Mexican, etc)?
Barbeque/steakhouse type stuff

3. What is your favorite snack?
Luna and KIND bars, smoothies, or yogurt

4. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Either Van's waffles and a tablespoon of PB or old-fashioned oatmeal topped with walnuts and cinnamon.

5. Do you eat your veggies?  What are your favorites?
I love carrots and steamed broccoli.
6. What is your favorite junk food/guilty pleasure?
Fro-yo and Italian ice, especially since all the Italian ice places are open for the season.

7. Do you cook most/all of your own food?
I do most of my own cooking for breakfast and dinner. Lunch during the week is usually food from work and I do get something out on the weekend.
8. Are you vegetarian or vegan?  If not, have you ever considered or tried it?
No way. I love my chicken and turkey too much.
9. If you eat meat, do you eat red meat, and if you do, how do you like it cooked?
Steak is usually my go-to in restaurants, and I love making my own burgers. Always well done. I hate seeing any pink in my meat.
10. Is there a food or a dish that you have always wanted to try and is there a reason you haven’t tried it yet?
I've been wanting to make cookies from the Runner's World Cookbook. Only constraint is time. I can never block off enough time to bake and do everything else I want to do. =/

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