Monday, April 30, 2012

Life Falling Into Harmony

I'm writing this almost out of nowhere, and honestly, I think that's where the best posts come about.

For those who don't know, I was in a bad place in more ways than one for months. I was struggling with my self-esteem, despite the weight loss. I was also in a job I couldn't stand, trying to find a new one for months with no luck.

Then, a month ago, everything seemed to fall into place. Almost in perfect harmony.

I signed up for a 5K. The beginning runs were hard, but my mental confidence boosted each week along with my physical endurance (well, except for one mental setback).

I love myself for the first time in, well, ever. I look at myself not as a shape or a pant size, but as a strong person who can do practically anything I set my mind too.

Finally, I got a new job. I went from Chuck E. Cheese to Panera, and I think that was the best move I could have made. I've been there a month, and I've been happier than I was in nine years at Chuck E.

While I may not have a picture perfect life for someone my age, I've realized that everything that has happened was because it was supposed to. Months ago, I was thinking that the best years of my life were gone, just because I wasn't in the same boat as everyone else. Now, I've realized that they've just begun. I'll have years to settle down. For now, I'm happy with continuing on my own path in life.

Kisses and hugs,


Foodie Pen Pal: April 2012

Hi, all! Taking a break from the 5K updates to post about a program I took part in called Foodie Pen Pals. For those unfamiliar with the program, it was started by Lindsay over at The Lean Green Bean and it's pretty much exchanging food with fellow bloggers/readers. (More details on her blog). This was the first month I did it and I enjoyed putting together the box for my pen pal as well as getting my own!

I received a box from Lindsay over at Running with Tongs. I told her my favs were chocolate, peanuts/peanut butter, and cinnamon and that I was open to trying new things. I got my box today and I got all sorts of treats. =)

This was what I got in the box:

  • Two Luna bars, one Peanut Butter Cookie and one Caramel Nut Brownie. Both sound delicious. I will be digging in very soon. =)
  • Chocolate flavored Amazing Meal. This will come in handy as an after-workout snack.
  • A mini Dan's Chocolates Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter bar. Ate it. Loved it.
  • A jar of Justin's All-Natural Peanut Butter (Creamy). This came in handy as I was just running out of peanut butter. Love it on my whole wheat waffles. 
  • Chocolate Chia Goodness. I have yet to break into this. Maybe over the weekend, when I have time to make something other than Cherrios for breakfast.
  • Coupons for Chia Goodness
In the note that she wrote (part of the package has to include a handwritten note of some sort), she said that she went with a chocolate/peanut butter theme and included some of her favs. I saw everything, and I never tried any of the stuff in the box (except for the peanut butter), so I was excited to try it!

I will definitely be doing this program again, and I can't wait to see what I get in the future! =D


Sunday, April 29, 2012

5K Training: Week 6

Hi, all! It's hard to believe I'm just 20 days away from my first 5K! Two months ago, I decided, kind of impulsively, to do this. Little did I know that this journey would be a test, both mentally and physically. And it's not over yet. I still have two more weeks of training to go before the race.

I know whatever I run will automatically be a personal best, but I'm aiming to finish in about 40 minutes. If I run the whole thing, that's awesome. However, I've also come to peace with taking walk breaks if need be. This is my race, and I need to complete it with how I feel comfortable doing so. It's my first race, and while I have a specific time goal, my main goal is to cross that finish line, which I WILL do!

That's all from me. Have a good week!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

5K Training: Week 5

Hi, all! I decided to stop with the training logs when writing about my race training. It's boring and somewhat repetitive. Not what I want this blog to be.

First off, I'm in better spirits both mentally and physically than I was last week. I hit a rough spot, but realized that it's not about being the best but that I cross the finish line. Hard to believe that it's just over five weeks away! Also, I got the confirmation e-mail yesterday, so there really is no turning back now!

I'm repeating week 4 of the C25K this week, since I didn't feel so strong at the end of last week. I'm seeing improvement mentally as well as physically this week.I managed to do 2.3 miles without stopping on the treadmill on Monday. I went out on the road today, and realized that my endurance outdoors on the road may not be where I want it to be, but I have come a long way in just 5 weeks. I may still have to do a run/walk combo on race day, but I WILL be a 5K finisher!

Have a good weekend!


Friday, April 6, 2012

Mental Block in the Training...

I want to apologize in advance if this post sounds a little...snappy at times. I know it is long-winded, but I just have a lot of thoughts going through my head this week and need to get them out somewhere in some sort of coherent fashion.

Anyway, my 5K is six weeks from tomorrow. Two things I would love to do right about now:

1) Cry my eyes out. I'm mentally worn out.

2) Crawl into fetal position while screaming "What the hell was I thinking?!"

Yes, I was all excited for signing up for my first ever race back when I signed up almost two months ago. I thought that since I started my weight loss journey over two and a half years ago, it would be cool to do something I never did before. I was all excited and couldn't wait to start training.

Until this week. I have seem to hit a mental block.

I repeated week 3 of the C25K last week, but decided to move up to week 4 this week (which is week 5 of my training). The program for all three days is a 5 minute warm-up walk, followed by a 3 minute jog, 90 second walk, 5 minute jog, 2 and a half minute walk, then repeat the whole cycle once.

Anyway, I was fine for the first stretch of the workout. Then came that first 5 minute run. I don't know what came over me, but I had to stop for at least one walk break of about 10-15 seconds. That was the case during the second run too. I ended the run fine physically, but so disappointed in myself at the same time. I know that speed will come, but I thought that I would be flying by now. a loss.

I know one thing will be true: I will take part in and finish this race.

Part of my mantra throughout this journey has been to finish what I start. Well, I sent in the form and money, and am five weeks into training for this thing. So, if I don't actually participate, then I won't finish what I started. In the end, I think that will be the more disappointing to live with.

Three years ago, I wouldn't have even THOUGHT about doing a 5K. In six weeks, I will cross that finish line no matter what. It's all about finishing what I started!

Have a good weekend, everyone!
