This is the last of my Fitbloggin' posts for this year. Cue the sad faces.
Yes, I realize it's been a month since the conference, but that silly little thing called real life got in the way, and I haven't been able to sit down and blog as much as I would like.
Yes, I realize it's been a month since the conference, but that silly little thing called real life got in the way, and I haven't been able to sit down and blog as much as I would like.
I decided to save this post for last, and am dedicating it to the tribe!
Basically, it's going to be a lot of pics...haha.
First, and foremost, I would like to thank the awesome Roni Noone for making this conference a reality!
Next, Steve, Jen, and Libby. You three rock and we made for the best scavenger hunt team ever! Thank you guys for helping me to push out of my comfort zone a bit and have a blast! The Goonies forever!
Here are some more of the awesome tribe:
Erin, who is super adorable when she's not kicking asses at the crack of dawn. ;-)
Ty, who is as hilarious and witty in person as he is on the socials and his blog. One of my favorite people and partly why I was so eager to get to Denver! (P.S.-If you weren't there for his Ignite speed round, you missed probably the most hilarious moment of the conference.)
Nicole, a newbie to the scene, loves adventure, and is just full of awesome! We shared a car to the hotel, and have been pals since.
Alyssa and Kelly, two totally different, but both incredible girls. So happy I get to call them friends!
Dre, one of the first people I met at my first Fitbloggin' back in 2012. He is a sweetheart and I can say I got several hugs from him during the weekend. 

The amazing Brooke, who tells us all how to live life not on a diet! ;-) In fact, it was one of her challenges that helped give me the final push to get to goal almost two years ago!
Heather, one of my roomies! Thank you for letting me room with you! It was awesome meeting you and getting to know you better!
Tara, who is incredible in her own right. I met her back in 2012, and am amazed with her. So happy I got to see her again in Denver!
And the rest, old friends and new ones too, everyone I met that weekend is awesome and made me happy to be part of this incredible tribe! =)
Pauly and Dani
Heather, Jen, Laura (who rocked the 5K with me), and Sarah
Alan, Robby, and Brooke
Christie, who is cool despite being a Lightning fan. ;-)
As Dani said in her Ignite, "Fitbloggin is more than a weekend, it's a family!"
On that note, is it Fitbloggin' 2016 yet?
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